Selasa, 19 April 2016

10 Allures of Depok

Depok City is one of the cities in West Java Province. Previously, the city is commonly called "Kota Belimbing" is part of Bogor City. However, since 1999 has been designated as a city.
Berkas:Tugu selamat datang dikota depok.jpg
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Berkas:Lambang Kota Depok.png
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I have lived in this city since I was born, which is 19 years ago. And I think that Depok has many distinctive charm. Now, I will mention 10 allures which is owned by this city.

1. Culinary
This is the best allure that owned by this city (I think). Depok is a city occupied by a multicultural society. So, almost any type of food you can find here. Particularly along the Margonda Street that there are so many coffee shops, cafes, and family restaurant. Starting from spicy to sweet food, from traditional to western food.

2. Location
Depok is located between two other cities, which is Jakarta and Bogor. Both cities are included in the city that "busy" every day, so that people who are in Depok is not too far away for work, go to school, or just a visit to Bogor or Jakarta because Depok located in the middle.
3. Accessibility
The government has plans to open two toll roads which divides Depok, make this city has the best and fastest access to the city of Jakarta. In addition, public transportation was alive for 24 hours by means of two train line and a varity of urban transportation.
4. Geographical
Depok city including flood-free area, with slopes ranging fom 40-140 m asl, there is Ciliwung river that divides the city and there are lakes scattered in various corners of the city, it makes Depok city safe from the danger from flooding, although the frequent occurrence of heavy rain accompanied by dangerous lightning.
5. Malls and Shopping Centers
Depok is reputed to be a city in which everything is exist. One that stands out from this city is the establishment of some malls and shopping centers. There are around 10 malls in Depok and 5 of them are in Margonda Street. Along this road, you can enter the mall to hunt various types of goods such as fashion items and gadgets, you can also watch movies, karaoke, and others with expenditure which is quite affordable.
6. Tourism
Not only malls and shopping centers are owned by this city for refreshing, Depok still has a few tourist sites which attracted much interest of visitors, both inside and outside the city of Depok. Examples of the famous tourist spots in this city are Depok Fantasy, Kubah Mas mosque, flower garden of Wiladatika, ecotourism of Dewa starfruit, etc.
7. Environment
Depok has a region that quite convenient, because Depok primarily used as a residential area with few industrial areas, so the quality of the environment in this city better than other cities.
8. Cyber City
Cyber City become one of the flagship programs in the area 2011-2016 in Depok. Cyber City can be interpreted as a city in which all citizens had "Internet Minded" and used to access the internet to meet the needs of the informations required and to your daily activities. Bit evidenced by the many wifi provided and the signal is not hard to find too here.
9. Education
In Depok, there are many educational institutions. The number of elementary to high school reached 100 schools. The university had reached more than 10 universities, including UI and Gunadarma. Educational institutions in this city has the advantages of each. Progress achieved educational success of Depok make some people mention Depok as "Kota Pelajar" or "Kota Pendidikan."
10. Business
Depok not only be a good residential city, this city also nice to be a place to do business. Evidenced by the many new and unique business almost every month.

Kamis, 14 April 2016

One Day, If I Have a Chance.......

If I have a chance to be part of tourism business, I would run a culinary business. I don't know why, but I just thought that having business in the culinary field has many advantages. 

First of all, people need food every day. Food and beverages are included in the primary needs of human. So that no matter how small the opportunity I got, culinary remains a "point" being sought by people wherever they are. Especially if it has a strategic location, it would be easier to acquire costumers.

The next reason is because of the many people who make a culinary as a business as well, like me. So I definitely have many rivals. Of this reason, I make it as a challenge for the future of my business. I should be able to be creative so that my culinary business is different fom the others, so people feel more interested in the business that I have.

Maybe I will open a restaurant that is located close to high school or university, because I think students and teenagers are the good main target consumers. I'm gonna make the restaurant as unique as possible with one theme that I specify later. Whether the theme of horror, romantic, simple and chic, etc. The food will I adjust to that theme too. So, not only the theme of restaurant makes the heart of consumers are interested in, but also the food that makes consumers want to come back next time.

Example of Horror Restaurant
Example of food at the horror restaurant

Example of Simple and Chic Restaurant
Example of food at the Simple and Chic Restaurant

Minggu, 10 April 2016

The Reason Why I Love Indonesia❤

Indonesia! hmmm... I was born and spent almost 20 years in this archipelagic state. Indonesia is located on the Asia continent, exactly Southeast Asia. It's includes an archipelago country because it consists of 5 big islands and more than 17.000 small islands. Indonesia has a country flag colored red-white, eagle as a symbol of the state, and Pancasila as the national ideology.
Indonesian Map
Indonesian Flag
Indonesian National Emblem
Indonesia has 5 major religions, more than 1.000 ethnic groups, and about 700 local languages. However, the existences of such differences not destroy the unity and integrity of this nation. Especially because the Indonesian national motto is "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which means "many, yet one."

I think that the many differences is owned by Indonesia raises its own uniqueness, which is different from other countries. One of the example is in culinary field, I'm sure not just me who love the diversity of its cuisine. Almost all of Indonesia and even the tourist agreed that the dishes of Indonesia have its own appeal.

Every region in Indonesia have a regional cuisine. I will tell 5 regional cuisines that comes from 5 major islands in Indonesia, of course, being my favorite.

1. Nasi Padang
Nasi Padang is dishes originated from Padang, the capital of West Sumatra. Nasi Padang have many choices of side dishes, such as processed from fish, beef, chicken, and even vegetables. Dishes that have been heavily marketed in Europian countries has a spicy and sour flavors.
Nasi Padang
2. Gado-gado
Gado-gado is one of the typical cuisine in Java island. In every region of Java island, this cuisine can be found easily. This cuisine consisting of boiled vegetables like cucumbers, cabbage, bean, tofu, soybean, and more. The vegetables are brought together and given a peanut sauce.
3. Soto Banjar
Soto Banjar is a broth dish made from chicken, this dish is a regional cuisine from Banjar, South Kalimantan. This food flavorful spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Soto contain shredded chicken, with the addition of boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, and ketupat.
Soto Banjar
4. Bubur Manado
This porridge is derived from Manado, North Sulawesi. Bubur Manado made from a mixture of rice, pumpkin, spinach, kale, and basil leaves. Bubur Manado has salty and sweet taste.
Bubur Manado
5. Martabak Sagu
Martabak that comes from Fakfak district, West Papua is different from that we usually encounter in other regions. The most distinguishing is the material essence, sago. This martabak made of sago are mashed and then given brown sugar.
Martabak Sagu
So, that is the main reason why I love this country, Indonesia. Actually, there are many other things that made me love this country. But, maybe I will mention it next time. Thanks for read this guys! :)

Rabu, 06 April 2016

Perang Kerang Barbarian Seafood House Depok

Pewawancara : Hanniarsha Alyfia / 1SA02 / 13615043
Narasumber : Bombom
Tempat : Restoran Perang Kerang Barbarian Seafood House, Depok.
Tanggal/Waktu : Senin, 04 April 2016. 16.30 WIB.

Pada tanggal 04 April 2016, saya mengunjungi salah satu restoran yang tergolong baru di kota Depok, yaitu Perang Kerang Barbarian Seafood House. Banyak teman-teman saya yang merekomendasikan restoran ini karena unik dan memiliki menu makanan yang enak. Beruntung pada hari itu, saya memiliki kesempatan untuk bertemu dan mewawancarai salah satu perwakilan restoran seafood ini, yaitu mas Bombom.

Mas Bombom mengatakan usaha di bidang kuliner ini memang baru dibuka sebulan yang lalu, tepatnya pada bulan Maret 2016. Ide untuk membuka bisnis ini dimiliki sejak lama bersama teman-temannya. Usahanya dimulai dari mencoba banyak restoran seafood di daerah-daerah lain untuk mengetahui kelemahan dan kelebihannya. Mereka memang tertarik untuk membuka restoran seafood dikarenakan di daerah Depok lebih sering menjual makanan dari olahan daging daripada seafood. Sehingga mereka menilai bahwa jika membuka usaha seafood di kota Depok akan memberikan peluang keuntungan yang lebih tinggi.

Mas Bombom yakin bahwa usaha mereka akan berhasil dengan keunikan dan daya tarik yang dimiliki oleh restoran ini. Seperti cara penyajian makanan yang sama sekali tidak menggunakan piring dan alat makan seperti restoran lain pada umumnya. Disini, makanan seafood hanya disajikan diatas kertas minyak, karena diharapkan dapat meningkatkan selera makan dan rasa kekeluargaan para pelanggan. Para konsumen juga diberikan celemek unik dengan logo restoran tersebut. Selain untuk menghindari baju konsumen yang bisa saja terkena noda makanan, celemek ini juga menambah keunikan dan ciri khas tersendiri bagi restoran Perang Kerang Barbarian.

Sasaran utama yang ditargetkan oleh restoran ini adalah mahasiswa dan keluarga, karena letaknya yang di Jl. Margonda Raya dan dekat dari berbagai perumahan, hotel, apartemen, dan universitas. Harga makanan disini pun memang cukup terjangkau untuk kantong pelajar/mahasiswa, berkisar antara 10-100ribu rupiah. Makanan yang ditawarkan juga beragam, seperti beragam kerang, kepiting, cumi, hingga lobster dengan sajian saus yang beragam pula seperti saus Crazy Cajun, Saos Padang, Saos Tiram, dan lain-lain.

Perang Kerang Barbarian memiliki ruangan yang tidak terlalu luas, tetapi memiliki dekorasi yang membuat pelanggan betah makan disana. Restoran ini dirancang dengan banyak aksesoris di dindingnya seakan-akan konsumen sedang berada di sebuah kapal dan di cat dengan warna biru laut. Proses pembuatan makanan diletakkan di bagian kiri depan restoran, sehingga para pelanggan bisa melihat proses pembuatannya.

Mas Bombom berpendapat bahwa pariwisata terutama di bidang kuliner sangat penting, terutama di Indonesia yang memiliki beragam masakan dari Sabang hingga Merauke. Setiap daerah pun memiliki makanan khasnya masing-masing. Namun, di era modern seperti ini tugas kita adalah "mengangkat kembali" masakan asli Indonesia dengan berbagai macam cara, termasuk di modifikasi agar menarik kembali minat masyarakat Indonesia yang sekarang lebih tertarik untuk mencoba masakan luar negeri.